Ingram New Works Reading


One thing I am loving about Nashville is the city wide emphasis on creating new artistic works - music, visual art, and theatre. Nashville Repertory Theatre developed the Ingram New Works program, which focuses on creating powerful, necessary, impactful new plays. This past Monday I was able to work and attend the Ingram actors workshop, which talked about the program and also explained the critical response format the program uses to support the playwrights mid-playwriting process. Today, I was able to take part in a reading of Gina Femia’s new play in progress. It was so fun to be in a room of people who love and support theatre. The discussion of the play was so positive and encouraging, and I hope helpful for Gina as she continues to develop the work! I love the begging of the show and I am so excited to see where it leads.

Gina’s play as well as the other Ingram New Works will be produced at the Ingram New Works Festival May 11-16, 2020. For more information visit


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